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10 Green Flags of Workplace Culture

Updated: Nov 29, 2022

Are you having trouble attracting and retaining new team members? Did you know that company culture is a MASSIVE driving force when it comes to attracting and retaining great talent?

When was the last time you took a pulse check on your company culture?

In today's market, job seekers are looking for so much more than just a paycheck. Employees want to feel a sense of belonging, appreciation, and acceptance in the workplace. 2022 workplace statistics confirm time and time again, that a company's culture and reputation matter in the selection process. In a recent survey conducted by yours truly, it was noted that 46% of prospective job seekers consider company culture when applying to or remaining within an organization.

Great ways to assess your current culture for green flags can be through conducting anonymous employee surveys, focus groups, and your regular 1:1 meetings with your employees. We've put together a few key signs to look out for that say your company is doing it absolutely right!

#1 Leaders Ask for Feedback

For us, feedback should never strictly be propelled downward within an organization. In order to continually improve, all levels of an organization need to be receptive and encouraging of feedback. Great leaders encourage and are receptive to feedback as a means of building trust, empowering their people, and effectively leading change.

Feedback should be conducted in a variety of areas surrounding the organization as a whole, individual jobs, and how your leaders are showing up. What greater way to build relationships than through healthy and open lines of communication?

#2 Zero Tolerance for Sh!t Talking

Nobody likes a gossip or a bad mouth. How is the behaviour of speaking negatively toward others handled? Are there silos of distrust and dislike between departments?

Although conflict is inevitable, encouraging open lines of communication between co-workers and departments to address issues head-on in a healthy productive way, provides far greater outcomes and strengthens relationships internally.

#3 Your Leaders have High EQ

For us, this one is a non-negotiable. Leaders MUST have high EQ. Leaders should not strictly be promoted into leadership roles because of seniority or contribution levels. Individuals in people leadership roles should be skilled in managing outcomes AND building relationships. Great leaders are able to effectively communicate with a diverse audience, demonstrate empathy and discretion, and are there to encourage others to be the best version of themselves. Great leaders work for their employees, not the other way around.

#4 It's Safe to Speak Up & Disagree

Open lines of communication should be visible at all levels of an organization. Your team should feel both welcomed and encouraged to disagree or share a different opinion with the rest of the team. Always in a respectful and appropriate way of course.

#5 Vulnerability is Modeled & Encouraged

Vulnerability is such a powerful skill in and of itself. No one is perfect. A great way to encourage this among your team members is with your leaders. Do your leaders showcase what is like to be human and show that it's ok to make mistakes or be wrong?

Vulnerability is a great way to build healthy relationships. Phrases like "I'm sorry" and "Yes, you're right" are key.

#6 People Lift Eachother Up

Appreciation and support for one another are a must for a great culture.

People want to feel supported, seen, and appreciated for what they do. Does your team advocate for one another? Do they openly praise and celebrate others' success where credit is due?

People should have each other's back and always be looking out for one another.

#7 Training and Professional Development are Prioritized

*clap* LEVEL *clap* UP *clap* YOUR *clap* PEOPLES *clap* SKILLS *clap*

Upskilling is amazingly beneficial in so many ways! Upskilling your team not only helps to attract amazing talent looking to grow in their career but also supports retaining that great talent you worked so hard to secure.

Professional development opportunities (educational, interpersonal, communication, leadership training, etc.) are great ways for employers to really show their team they care about investing in their future.

#8 A Fantastic Hiring Experience

This one we obviously love and are so passionate about. The hiring experience is the first glimpse into your company culture and sets the tone for the employee experience moving forward. Being intentional about how we treat and communicate with our applicants sets the stage for expectations and how the organization treats its employees in the company. Be kind, transparent, and for heaven's sake, COMMUNICATE!

Remember, always treat people like humans.

#9 People are Paid Properly

Great cultures take pride in ensuring their team is paid properly and compensated well. They invest time and resources to ensure pay equity within the organization and develop salary bands that are consistently updated and in line with the market at all times. People do not come to work to volunteer their time. Remember, employees are trading their skills and time to contribute to the success of your company.

#10 DEI Actually Matters

So many organizations talk about diversity, equity, and inclusion. The issue with so many is it's just that, talk. Is there awareness? Is it talked about and actioned? Do you ask "What does DEI mean for us and how do we incorporate it in a tangible way?"

DEI is not just about race and gender. It's about individuals with different personality types, communication styles, socioeconomic backgrounds, life experiences, neurodiversity, and much more. DEI practices are visible in your company's systems and processes.

So now what?

Hopefully your company has checked 'yes' to all of these cultural green flags or you are a leader that is now reflecting on and prioritizing change.

If none of these green flags exist, it's time to connect with your team and start implementing positive change.

In need of a culture overhaul? Connect with us today to find out how we can help you!

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